

The last time I checked in here violet sky still stood. But it was great to finally see it solved, and to see all 86 puzzles within v2.31 figured out by MishuAnubis, trinih, saffration, Hiya and koizroi. 

Four new puzzles have been added to take us to v2.4: saffration’s puzzle, from Cleopatra to Joliot Curie, modal and x x. Saffration’s puzzle and from Cleopatra… have both been solved, whilst modal and x x have resisted an earlier resolution. That feels like a good balance to me :)

We’ve also expanded the public leaderboard to the top 50 to give newer players something to chase if they want to. At the time of writing 17 solves will get you in the top 50. And that could almost be done by solving all of the >10% solve rate puzzles.