How to Solve Wyfio


If you've played online riddles before, you'll likely be familiar with changing URLs to progress, inspecting source code, unravelling codes and ciphers and journeying through an endless succession of unpredictable internet rabbit holes.

And whilst wyfio is quite different to the Notpron 'lineage' of riddles (check out or for examples) you'll benefit from a similar kind of resourcefulness, tenacity, logic and, occasionally, an ability to perform a sort of lateral mental gymnastics.

But what if you've never played an online riddle before, or never even heard of such a thing? Not to worry, here are some general pointers that will assist when playing wyfio:

1. 'Toolless' Solutions...

Wyfio doesn't have much of a technical focus - every puzzle should be solvable without any specialist tools. Sure, you can use a stereogram viewer, or a tool to help you solve a code – but it will be useful to remember that wyfio puzzles have been designed to be 'toolless'. So if you think the solution involves something super technical – it probably doesn't.

2. URL Changes

Sometimes, the puzzle design will imply a URL change is required e.g. if there's no visible 'submit' button, then perhaps the only other place you can input further information is in the address bar?

In other situations there may be a password box, but you'll need to change a URL to find some information you need to solve the puzzle. Remember, these are only general pointers. You'll need to figure out when they apply.

3. Source Code

Inspecting the source code is a staple of most online riddles. Typically, comments within the source will provide a hint. It's not something that's commonly used in wyfio, but it might occasionally be worth taking a look to see if there are any comments, or maybe some other information that tells you something about the puzzle you are trying to solve.

4. Search

Whilst some puzzles are 'self-contained', you'll often need to use a search engine to help you. And whilst search algorithms change, and the results that are served up are highly variable, I think it's worth disclosing that I typically use Google UK to 'verify' any puzzles that 'require' search. Wikipedia is often helpful too – just not exclusively.

5. Hints

The primary hint is often the puzzle title itself. It's worth thinking about the title carefully.

Wyfio also has an unlockable hints system via the 'Seer' at the Jellyfish Attractor. Extra hints are provided for specific puzzles after 10, 20, 30 and 40 solves. Some additional hints are also provided as part of the Seer's quest reward.

All of these hints are supplemental. I.e. they're a post-puzzle adjustment - something that came after the original design. And they're often a mini-puzzle in themselves. They should not contain any information that's 'essential' to solving a puzzle – but hopefully they provide something additional to think about if you're looking for fresh ideas.

6. Make Your Own Path

At the time of writing there are 85 puzzles, and most of them will be unlocked to you if you're logged in on a registered account. Visible solve rates provide a useful proxy for difficulty, and you can also see when a puzzle was last solved. Are you ready for the challenge of an unsolved puzzle, or a puzzle that's been evading most other players for several months? If you are, great. Or perhaps there's another path you'd like to take though for time-being? It's your choice.

As of v2.24 you can choose to work your way through the solved puzzles table in order of most to least solved. If you prefer this approach, please take note of its limitations. For example, potentially overlooking the context provided within the group of puzzles at an attractor, or not being able to see 'unsolved' puzzles.

7. Reach Out

Maybe you could try reaching out to other players. Perhaps they'll be able to give you a nudge in the right direction, and maybe you'll be able to work together and share ideas.

Alternatively, you can always drop us a DM on Discord. We're generally pretty cagey when discussing puzzles (!) but, we're also quite friendly, and occasionally, we'll make changes to the puzzle design or add additional hints to the Seer.

8. Support Us

Finally, if you enjoy our puzzles and you’d like to help out, then please tell a friend, share a social post (most active on Twitter/X), or visit our buy me a coffee page.