'Silent' Launch


Hello. I won't repeat the welcome, but suffice to say, if you're reading this at any time in 2022 then you're here early. Quite possibly, you're also here before any significant marketing or promotion of wyfio has taken place. That's because:

-We don't really know how to do it and;

-Wyfio is a 'weekend' project with no real expectations of any kind of success that would warrant significant financial investment at this point.

Whilst we've had lots of ideas to develop and launch independent games and/or websites prior to wyfio, they can all be categorised as follows:

-Conceptually laughable e.g. 'Virtual TV Adverts' - this was essentially Youtube before Youtube...but without the content! (I know, right? – we still laugh at this one today).

-Massively overreaching – both in terms of time, cost and our ability to deliver anything like the conception.

So, if anything, wyfio is already a success just having launched. I've had fun thinking up some different types of puzzle, essentially data mining my own brain to see what's in there :D And Dev#2 (I think?) has had fun trying to decrypt and implement these ideas.

Aesthetically, I think it's a combination of not paying a huge amount of attention to convention, programmer art, strange attractors and a case of noughties cryptomnesia. I imagine anybody with any degree of graphic design, Web UX etc. will, naturally, find it horrifying. That's not to detract from some of the illustrations that we pulled from pixabay though, as we really like them.

Anyway, we hope you'll have fun!